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Fortress Europe : Opera / Calliope Tsoupaki

Publisher's number: 15490
Genre: Opera, musical theatre
Subgenre: Opera
Scoring: voc ob perc hp vn vla vc db
Remarks: Opera with a prologue and 5 scenes - Europe (soprano), Frans (Politician & Europe's son) (tenor), Amar (Refugee) (baritone), mixed choir & chamber ensemble consisting of: Oboe, Harp, Percussion, Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabass - libretto: Opera Trionfo - commissioned by: Opera Trionfo with the financial support of NFPK
Duration: 90'00"
Year of composition: 2017
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Tsoupaki, Calliope (Composer)

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