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The First Book of Madrigals : for 6 voices / Alessandro Striggio; transcribed and edited by Cees Wagemakers
Other authors:
Wagemakers, Cees
Striggio, Alessandro (father)
I dolci colli - Et qual cervo ferito (4’45”)
La ver l’aurora (2’30”)
Che fai che pensi (3’00”)
Amor, io fallo - Però s’ oltra suo stile (4’45”)
Poi che spiegat’ ho l’ ale - La voce del mio cor (4’15”)
S’ ogni mio ben havete raccolto (1’45”)
Quasi improvisa (3’15”)
Fortuna alata (2’15”)
Rosa eterna - Era a tanti minor (5’45”)
Serenata (c. 15’00”) [L’ aria s’ oscura, Ma tu per darm’ al cor, - Apri, apri omai l’ uscio, Oime ch’ io spasmo]
Ancor ch’io possa dire (2’30”)
Nasce la pena mia (3’15”)
Lasciat’ hai morte - Pianger l’aere et la terra (5’15”)
Madonna poi ch’ occider (2’00”)
Se ben di sette stelle - Fosti amante com’ io (5’00”)
Quando vede ‘l pastor (4’30”)
O messagi del cor - Sara che cessi (5’00”)
Voglia mi sprona (2’30”)
This First Book of Madrigals for 6 voices counts 19 madrigals - from which one by Claudio Merulo - is incomplete in the edition of 1566, and therefore omitted here. The last of the 18 madrigals presented here is a Serenata in 4 parts, that is a work on its own with the considerable duration of more than 15 minutes. This Serenata is separately available.
This album contains madrigals with an intricacy seldom seen and heard in that period, showing the mastership of Striggio. While in his time there was always a certain measure of homophony in the Italian madrigals - until the Flemish composers came in - Striggio’s madrigals are more polyphonic and show a texture of great beauty.
Cees Wagemakers, 2016