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24 Arie Antiche : for voice and guitar / Kees Arntzen (arr.)
Other authors:
Arntzen, Kees
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The album ’Arie Antiche’ was first published by Schirmer, New York in 1894. The arias proved to be very popular and even today, most (amateur) singers will know the collection. During many years I used this famous Schirmer Edition as a basis for improvised accompaniment on guitar for singers, who attended the Voice/Guitar Masterclasses in Gerano, Italy.
When after several years a specific song was played again, I always asked myself: “How on earth, did I play it the last time?” Then the idea was born to write down all the notes in proper arrangements.
Much can be said about the ‘authenticity’ of these songs. I chose to follow, deliberately but quite accurately, the well-known yellow Schirmer Edition of 1894. Some songs have been identified as nineteenth-century forgeries (for instance “Pietà, Signore!” that seems to have been written by Fétis). And some of the songs have been attributed to well-known composers as Pergolesi, neglecting the names of more obscure composers.
The same goes for the piano accompaniments. Character and style are more or less “19th century romantic” and I kept it this way. After all, the sound of the modern guitar differs from a lute or a theorbo. However, the light sound of the guitar seems to match better with these Renaissance and Baroque tunes, urging the singers to listen carefully.
With this album the audio file ‘Senza Voce’ is inviting singers to practice the songs without a live guitarist. This audio file is available separately. A CD ‘Arie Antiche Italiane con chitarra’ – not included with this album – features all the arias with five prominent Dutch singers. Most of them were also teachers in Gerano.
Kees Arntzen, Amsterdam, April 2016