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Jocasta : Monodrama for mezzo-soprano, ensemble and electronic sounds / Luc Brewaeys; libretto by Elisabeth Buzzard

Publisher's number: 13630
Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Voice and large ensemble
Scoring: fl ob cl fg h trp trb 2perc pf 2vl vla vc db elec
Duration: 22'00"
Year of composition: 2003
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Buzzard, Elisabeth (Text writer/Librettist)
Brewaeys, Luc (Composer)
"Jocasta" is a monodrama for Mezzo-Soprano, instrumental ensemble of 15 instruments and electro-acoustisc sounds on an original libretto (in English) by Elisabeth Buzzard. It's about the myth (or the story) of Oedipus, but told from the point of view of Jocasta, the mother-wive. Elisabeth Buzzard concieved the text without any interpunction, which on one hand left me every freedom of musical interpretation possible but on the other hand forced me to te make choices. As far as I'm concerned, I considered this text as an immense poem of love, and so did I work out the music. It speaks for itself that the moods change on the way, but it will be clear from the first audition that the sonorities contain certain constant elements. The main ingreditents of the electro-acoustic sounds are based upon "objets trouvés" (and are of course manipulated) and upon instrumental and vocal sources (manipulated as well). The vocal writing won't give enormeous surprises to listeners who are acquainted with my output. This work was a joint commission from the Music Section of the "Palais des Beaux-Arts" (BOZAR) in Brussels and from the Ictus ensemble. The score is dedicated to my wife Birgit. The First Performance was given in the Kaaitheater in Brussels on December 3, 2003 by the Ictus Ensemble with Mezzo Barbara Tetenberg, conducted by Georges-Elie Octors.

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Score Download to Newzik (B4), 80 pages EUR 36.90
Download as PDF (B4), 80 pages EUR 44.28
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 80 pages EUR 73.80
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 80 pages EUR 60.40
Electro-acoustic Download, 3 files, 54.852 MB EUR 25.00
CD/DVD, 3 files, 54.852 MB EUR 35.00
Rental Part(s) Download to Newzik (B4), 132 pages EUR 55.36
Download as PDF (B4), 132 pages EUR 66.43
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 132 pages EUR 110.72
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