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Lichtgewicht : (1999; rev. 2000), for two or four audio tracks / René Uijlenhoet
Other authors:
Uijlenhoet, Rene
Program note (English): Two track version on CD CV-NEAR 14. Four track version: hire (on data cd-r). Contact Donemus.
The weekly science pages of a newspaper offer facts and theories that readily stimulate the musical imagination. 'Lichtgewicht' was inspired by these texts, themselves approaching poetry, which attempt to make the unimaginable plausible.
In 'Lichtgewicht's' musical space, sounds can move forward and backward in time, comparable to the modern variants of quantum mechanics, the individual layers of time connected by long strings. Sounds can appear either as percussive 'particles' or as drawn-out 'waves'. Moreover, sounds and antisounds can emerge from nothing and , after a brief encounter, disappear again. Occasionally a sound particle accelerates to the point that it becomes so heavy that it attracts another heavy sound and merges with it. This process continues until the power of attraction of the resulting sound mass becomes so strong that even 'light sound' becomes too heavy to escape. The quadraphonic reproduction transforms the concert hall into a gigantic bubble chamber in which rays of sound vaguely glow. The sounds and form employed in 'Lichtgewicht' were inspired by electronic music from the 1950's, without quoting, sampling or imitating anything directly, and without a hint of nostalgia. The work's creation
took place with the help of my own programmes for sound and form synthesis. - René Uijlenhoet