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The Fifth Sun : for percussion quartet / Marijn Simons

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 2002
Publisher's number: 10654
Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Percussion
Scoring: 4perc
Remarks: Commissioned by the Dutch Fund of Performing Arts, written for the Tambuco Ensemble of Percussions of México; dedicated to Ricardo Gallardo. The world première took place on 2 August 2002 at the Centro Nacional de las Artes in Mexico City, performed by the percussion ensemble Tambuco.
Duration: 14'00"
Number of players: 4
Year of composition: 2001
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Simons, Marijn (Composer)
Humans made of ash
Giants eaten by jaguars
Converted into turkeys
Monkeys in the mountains
Silhouette of a rabbit
Aztec mythology tells about the gods collaborating to create a new fifth world—the Fifth Sun—the Sun of Movement—the world we live in today.

In a dramatic act of self-sacrifice, the gods collaborated to create a new world- the Fifth Sun. A god, once rich and arrogant, lost his nerve when faced with the fire. In stark contrast, a modest and sick god displayed remarkable courage, leaping into the furnace. Overcome with shame, the prosperous god also threw himself into the fire, and both gods emerged as shimmering stars in the sky. Enraged by this audacity, the gods punished the rich god, leaving his silhouette on the moon in the form of a rabbit.

According to Aztec mythology, the Sun of Movement was not the first. Before it, there were four other suns and worlds, each dominated by one of the four elements: water, earth, fire, and wind. In a cycle of destruction and rebirth, each sun and world was recreated identically with the remains of the previous one, producing an improved form of life with each new cycle.

Humans were made of ash in the era of the first sun, the Sun of Water. A catastrophe took place. Water covered the earth. Humans were destroyed and changed into fish. In the second era -the Sun of Earth- people were giants but had a weak constitution. During the destruction of this sun, the giants were eaten by jaguars. The end of the third sun -the Sun of Fire- was not less dramatic. It rained fire, and the people were converted into turkeys. The people who approached their fate in the fourth era -the Sun of Wind- were banished to live as monkeys in the mountains. - MARIJN SIMONS

Sheet Music
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Product Description Price/piece Count
Score Download to Newzik (A3), 24 pages EUR 20.44
Download as PDF (A3), 24 pages EUR 24.52
Hardcopy, normal size (A3), 24 pages EUR 40.88
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 24 pages EUR 27.92
Part(s) Download to Newzik (A3), 68 pages EUR 39.58
Download as PDF (A3), 68 pages EUR 47.49
Hardcopy, normal size (A3), 68 pages EUR 79.16