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12 works in Donemus catalogue

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Tijd : for (mezzo-)soprano and violin (with optional audio track) / Lowell Dykstra

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and piano
Scoring: zang pf (tape)

Sub finem : voor mezzo-sopraan, fluit en piano, 2004 / gedichten van M. Vasalis (1909-1998), Caroline Ansink

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and instrument(s)
Scoring: sopr-m fl pf

Vijf Vasalis-liederen : for 21-voice mixed choir, 2004 / words: five poems by M. Vasalis (text in Dutch), Willem Boogman

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir
Scoring: GK21

latest edition

Tijd : for (mezzo-)soprano and violin (with optional audio track) / Lowell Dykstra

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and piano
Scoring: zang pf (tape)



Vasalis, M.