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2 works in Donemus catalogue

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I stood with the dead : voor 4-stemmig gemengd koor en 13 instrumenten, 1983 / tekst: Siegfried Sassoon, Huub Kerstens

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir and large ensemble
Scoring: GK4 1000 3sax 1330 pf cb

Last light : voor sopraan-, tenor- en baritonsolo, jongenskoor, twee 4-stemmige gemengde koren, klanksporen en orkest, opus 26, 1990 / Huub Kerstens

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir and orchestra; Multimedia and singing voice(s) with or without instrument(s)
Scoring: sopr ten bar JoK2 2GK4 3334 4441 timp 6perc hp pf str tape

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I stood with the dead : voor 4-stemmig gemengd koor en 13 instrumenten, 1983 / tekst: Siegfried Sassoon, Huub Kerstens

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir and large ensemble
Scoring: GK4 1000 3sax 1330 pf cb



Sassoon, Siegfried