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16 works in Donemus catalogue

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Es schweigt : for soprano and ensemble, 1993, revision 1996 / Jan van de Putte

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and large ensemble
Scoring: sopr 1121 1110 2perc pf 2vl vla vc cb

Cette agitation perpétuelle, cette turbulence sans but : for orchestra / Jan van de Putte

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
Scoring: fl/picc/fl-a ob/eh cl/clb/cl-cb sax/tubax h tpt trb 2perc g-elec hp org acc str

Não estou pensando em nada : for alto and ensemble / Jan van de Putte; lyrics by Álvaro de Campos (Fernando Pessoa)

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and large ensemble
Scoring: alt fl-a fl-b ob(eh) cl-b cl-cb fg-c 2h trp trb tb 3perc cymb acc pf hp str

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Cette agitation perpétuelle, cette turbulence sans but : for orchestra / Jan van de Putte

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
Scoring: fl/picc/fl-a ob/eh cl/clb/cl-cb sax/tubax h tpt trb 2perc g-elec hp org acc str



Putte, Jan van de

Nationality: Netherlands
Date of birth: 1959-01-01

Jan van de Putte was born on September 12, 1959. Since 1996, he is living in Paris.

Education: Jan van de Putte began composing at the age of fourteen when studying the violin. Later he also studied bass guitar, viola and piano. He studied musicology and sonology for some time at the Utrecht University and computer music with Floris van Manen. He attended composition classes with Joep Straesser and Ton Bruynèl. He completed his composition study with Klaas de Vries at the Rotterdam Conservatorium.

Compositions: Composing with light, with images, with frustration, and even with silence. This is what Jan van de Putte, one of the most idiosyncratic composers in the Netherlands, does. He has built up a modest, though highly consistent body of works. Consistent in the sense that his work always reaches beyond the boundaries of music, it explores the subconscious, at times it provokes and torments, but it sticks firmly in your mind.

Jan van de Putte has been influenced by the composers Mahler, Debussy, Webern, Varèse, Stockhausen, Lachenmann, Rihm and traditional music from Indonesia and Japan; the filmmakers Tarkovski and Bergmann; the artists Beuys, Twombly, Kiefer and primitive art; the writers Dostojevski, Beckett, Céline and Artaud.

‘Es schweigt’ (1993) was written for soprano Angela Tunstall and the ASKO ensemble. The "mini-opera" ‘Om mij mijzelf met mijn aan mezelf en mezelf en mijn eigen’ for solo timpano was first performed by Gabe Tarjan in Rotterdam, 1994.

During the Holland Festival 2004 the opera ‘Wet snow’ was premiered.

In December 2013, the third part of the ‘Pessoa-cycle’ was premiered: ‘Bamboleamos no mundo’, in association with AskolSchönberg and Slagwerk Den Haag, led by Reinbert de Leeuw, soprano Keren Motseri and alto Barbara Kozelj. This song cycle, on poems by the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, is a journey into the interior of the sound. Van de Putte makes good use of his musical language - frequent repetitions of sounds and words - and attempts to penetrate the poetic core.

Awards: ‘In hora mortis’ (1990) for soprano and chamber orchestra was selected by the Nederlands Ballet orchestra for their annual "Young Composers Project" in 1991. In 1992, Jan was awarded the Incentive Prize of the Amsterdam Arts Fund for ‘In hora mortis’; this work was also awarded the third prize at the Rostrum of Composers in 1993.

Jan van de Putte has won the prestigious Matthijs Vermeulen Prize in 2013 for his work ‘Kagami-Jishi’ (2012) for solo piano and orchestra. This piece was written on commission by the NTR ZaterdagMatinee and premiered during the Holland Festival 2012.

According to the jury: "An intriguing and mysterious world of sound revealed in ‘Kagami-Jishi’, making the listener gradually drawn into the work. While the orchestra starts virtually silent, the music evolves to a complete fusion of the individual musicians and the piano soloist, according to a consistent and well thought out concept. This seemingly simple form exudes a quirky course.”:


Jan van de Putte werd op 12 september 1959 geboren.

Hij begon op veertienjarige leeftijd te componeren, nadat hij eerder vioolles had gehad. Tevens leerde hij basgitaar, altviool en piano spelen. Vervolgens studeerde hij enige tijd muziekwetenschap en sonologie in Utrecht, alsmede computermuziek bij Floris van Manen en compositie bij Joep Straesser en Ton Bruynèl. Hij rondde zijn studie af bij Klaas de Vries in Rotterdam. Sinds 1996 woont hij in Parijs.

Jan van de Putte is beïnvloed door de componisten Mahler, Debussy, Webern, Varèse, Stockhausen, Lachenmann, Rihm en traditionele muziek uit Indonesië en Japan; de filmers Tarkovski en Bergmann; de kunstenaars Beuys, Twombly, Kiefer en primitieve kunst; de schrijvers Dostojevski, Beckett, Céline en Artaud. Tijdens het Project Jonge Componisten van het Nederlands Balletorkest in 1991 werd In hora mortis (1990) op tekst van Thomas Bernhard voor sopraan en kamerorkest uitgevoerd. Es schweigt (1993) werd geschreven voor en uitgevoerd door het ASKO ensemble en de sopraan Angela Tunstall. In 1994 ging de "mini-opera" Om mij mijzelf met mijn aan mezelf en mezelf en mijn eigen, voor paukensolo in première in Rotterdam, gespeeld door Gabe Tarjan. Tijdens het Holland Festival 2004 ging de opera Wet snow in première.

In 1992 kreeg hij de Aanmoedigingsprijs van het Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst voor In hora mortis; met hetzelfde werk behaalde hij een derde plaats bij het Rostrum of Composers (1993).