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3 works in Donemus catalogue

popular works

Lux : = Licht, = Light, for four-part male choir a cappella, 1990 / Paul Evenblij

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Male choir
Scoring: MK4

Bele bele contretemps : for choir and ensemble, 1993 / text: anonymous, 12th century, Paul Evenblij

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir and instruments
Scoring: GK4 fl(pic) ob cl h trp trb pf 2vl vc

Lux : = Licht, = Light, versie voor 4 mannenstemmen, 1990; bew. 1999 / Paul Evenblij

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Vocal ensemble (2-12)
Scoring: ten-c ten bar bas

latest edition

Lux : = Licht, = Light, versie voor 4 mannenstemmen, 1990; bew. 1999 / Paul Evenblij

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Vocal ensemble (2-12)
Scoring: ten-c ten bar bas



Evenblij, Paul

Nationality: Netherlands