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7 works in Donemus catalogue

popular works

Sonate opus 1 : for orchestra, 1907-1908 instrumentation 1984 / Theo Verbey, Alban Berg

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
Scoring: 2fl fl(pic) 2ob eh 2cl cl-b 2fg cfg 4h 3trp 3trb tb timp perc hp str

Sieben frühe Lieder : Arrangement for voice and chamber ensemble / Alban Berg; arranged by Henk Guittart (lyrics by C. Hauptmann, N. Lenau, T. Storm, R.M. Rilke, J. Schlaf, O.E. Hartleben, P. Hohenberg)

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players)
Scoring: fl ob cl h perc harm pf 2vn vla vc db

Berkshire - symphonies : (symphony 1), for orchestra / by Jurriaan Andriessen

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
Scoring: 2fl fl(pic) 2ob 2cl cl-b 2fg 4h 3trp 3trb 1tb timp 3perc str

latest edition

Sieben frühe Lieder : Arrangement for voice and chamber ensemble / Alban Berg; arranged by Henk Guittart (lyrics by C. Hauptmann, N. Lenau, T. Storm, R.M. Rilke, J. Schlaf, O.E. Hartleben, P. Hohenberg)

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players)
Scoring: fl ob cl h perc harm pf 2vn vla vc db



Berg, Alban

Nationality: Austria

Alban Maria Johannes Berg (9 February 1885 – 24 December 1935) was an Austrian composer of the Second Viennese School. His compositional style combined Romantic lyricism with the twelve-tone technique. Although he left a relatively small oeuvre, he is remembered as one of the most important composers of the 20th century for his expressive style encompassing "entire worlds of emotion and structure".
Source: Wikipedia