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46 works in Donemus catalogue

popular works

Sin-fonia : voor kamerorkest, 1985 / Henk Alkema

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
Scoring: 2111 1110 perc hp str

Vocalise : voor mezzosopraan, cello en piano, uit de opera 'Bonifacius' / Henk Alkema

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Voice and instrument(s)
Scoring: sopr-m vc pf

Zwitserse Dansen : voor cello en piano / Henk Alkema

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Cello and keyboard instrument
Scoring: vc pf

latest edition

String quartet Nº 1 / Henk Alkema

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: String quartet (2 violins, viola, cello)
Scoring: 2vl vla vc



Alkema, Henk

Nationality: Netherlands
Date of birth: 1944-11-20
Date of death: 2011-08-04

Henk Alkema was born in Harlingen on November 20, 1944.

He studied piano with Léon Orthel at The Hague Royal Conservatory of Music and conducting with Willem Frederik Bon, Zolt Deaky and Huub Kerstens.

After graduation an early apprenticeship was spent on tour as a jazz pianist and as composer/arranger/studio pianist for Dutch Radio and TV. Here began the first of many recordings under his own name. Collaboration with singer and lyricist Hessel van der Wal led to a number of successful productions often featuring the Frisian language, a preoccupation that was to take an even more important step in the composition of his opera 'RIXT', years later. From 1974, and following the inspirational teaching of conductor Willem Frederik Bon and later influences of Zolt Deaky and Huub Kerstens, Henk Alkema concentrated more on conducting. Stints as conductor with the Sneeker Cantata Choir and the Frisian Symphony Orchestra, the 'Jan Pieterzoon Sweelinck' Symphony Orchestra (Amsterdam), the Frisian Wind Ensemble, the Concordia Concert Choir and almost all professional symphony orchestras in The Netherlands. He began a serious commitment to teaching from 1978 at the Music Pedagogical Academy in Leeuwarden and continued with his appointment as chairman of the department of jazz and improvised music at the Utrecht Conservatory. As professor of composition and later as acting Dean of the Conservatory Alkema has found a most significant role in music education.
Compositional productivity has never suffered and a period as composer in residence to Sater (Amsterdam) and theatre group Theater (Arnhem) was followed by music theatre collaborations with Edwin Rutten and performances of Pepe and Kinderman. His series of lectures on composition for the department of Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam reveals another side to this creative spirit. Compositional appointments at the famous Berklee College of Music and the University of Montana where he completed a commission for a series of song cycles based on American Indian poetry. The highly successful performances of his first full length opera RIXT was followed by a second operatic effort Jealous God with texts by Mark Valencia. For his most recent opera Bonifatius, commissioned by the Dutch government, he received the Bernlefprijs 2005.

1944 - 1977

Henk Alkema wordt op 20 november 1944 geboren te Harlingen. Hij studeert piano aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium in Den Haag bij Léon Orthel. In 1976 studeert hij orkestdirectie bij Willem Frederik Bon en daarna bij Zolt Deaky en Huub Kerstens. Tijdens zijn studie is hij als pianist actief in de wereld van de jazz en geïmproviseerde muziek. Hij maakt talloze opnamen bij verschillende omroepen onder eigen naam met eigen bezettingen zoals het Lody Bouwens-Henk Alkema Kwartet en voor bestaande orkesten als Chris Hinze Combination. Alkema is mede-oprichter en componist/pianist van 'Cabaret Honoloeloe'.

1978 - 1984

Alkema is docent op de Muziek Pedagogische Academie in Leeuwarden. In 1983 wordt hij docent compositie op het Utrechts Conservatorium; later wordt hij daar coördinator Lichte Muziek. Alkema componeert in opdracht van de AVRO muziekraadsels voor het radioprogramma 'Op een klein stationnetje', een kinderprogramma over klassieke muziek

1994 - 2003

Henk Alkema is tot 1996 waarnemend directeur van het Conservatorium Utrecht. 'Rixt', een Friese opera (1989), gaat in 1995 bij de opening van de nieuwe Harmonie in Leeuwarden in première. Alkema is 'visiting artist' op de Berklee College of Music in Boston en op de School of Fine Arts van de Universiteit van Montana.

2004 - 2006

In september gaat de Friese opera 'Bonifatius' op een libretto van Peter te Nuyl in Leeuwarden in première. Alkema ontvangt voor de opera de Bernlefprijs 2005, een provinciale prijs voor Friestalige muziek in alle genres.


Op 4 augustus overlijdt Henk Alkema in zijn woonplaats Utrecht.