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20 works in Donemus catalogue

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Friesland : voor zang (lage of middenstem) en piano, opus 44 / gedichten van Bertus Aafjes, Hans Schouwman

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and piano
Scoring: medium/low pf

Kleine suite : voor sopraan en orkest, 1942 / Arij Verhaar

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and orchestra
Scoring: sopr 2222 2200 timp perc (cel ad lib.) hp str

Seizoenen : een cyclus voor vierstemmig vrouwenkoor en fluit, opus 61, 1960 / Marius Flothuis

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Female choir and instrument(s)
Scoring: VK4 fl

latest edition

Herinnering : twee liederen voor gemengd koor a cappella, opus 93, 1985 / op teksten van Clara Eggink en Bertus Aafjes, Marius Flothuis

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir
Scoring: GK4



Aafjes, Bertus

Lambertus Jacobus Johannes "Bertus" Aafjes (May 12, 1914 – April 23, 1993) was a Dutch poet whose work is marked by his devout Catholicism. He wrote a five-book series featuring Japanese samurai Ōoka Tadasuke. Aafjes was born in Amsterdam. He wrote poems on the resistance to the German occupation during World War II. He was married and the father of 3 daughters and 1 son. He died in Venlo. Aafjes also scripted the comics Mannetje Bagatel (1946) and Kleine Isar, de Vierde Koning (1962) for Eppo Doeve, as well as Peter-kersen-eter (1943) and De Vrolijke Vaderlandse Geschiedenis (1948) for Piet Worm.
Source: Wikipedia