
Kuit, Roland

From his childhood, Roland Kuit has always been fascinated by the phenomenon of sound. Surrounded with instruments like a grand piano, violins, double bass, trombone and guitars, he started to ...

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Piano Sonique I / Roland Kuit

Publisher's number: 13834
Genre: Electronical music
Subgenre: Electronic music
Scoring: elec
Duration: 1'42"
Year of composition: 2014
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

Roland Kuit:

Acoustic piano, Clavia NMG2, Kyma/Pacarana

Kyma research resulting in piano music.

All material created out of acoustic or physical piano models.

Do you have interest in buying the sheet music of this work? Please let us know so we can digitize this work with priority without any obligation of you.